Statement on Webpage:
Policies are the formal guidelines established by the Minnesota State Academies Governing Board to ensure that the Minnesota State Academies Schools responds to its mission and operates in an effective, efficient, and consistent manner. Policies define the desire and intent of the Governing Board.
The Governing Board has the jurisdiction to legislate policy for the Minnesota State Academies with the force and effect of law. Governing board policy provides the general direction as to what the Governing Board wishes to accomplish while delegating implementation of policy to the administration.
The policies described here are not conditions of employment, and the language is not intended to create a contract between the Minnesota State Academies and its employees.
- 102 Equal Educational Opportunity - 12-06-2023
- 104 Vision, Mission, and Guiding Beliefs - 09-16-2020
- 110 Educational Excellence and Equity - 02-07-2024
- 120 - MSA Website and Social Media Accessibility Policy - 09-27-2023
- 121 Communication, Language, and Accessibility - 10-27-2021
- 202 MSA Board Officers and Meetings 09-29-2021
- 208 Development of Policies - 05-16-2024
- 209 MSA Board Code of Conduct 09-29-2021
- 209A Oath of Office Template
- 209B MSA Board Code of Conduct (form)
- 210 MSA Board Conflict of Interest 09-20-2024
- 211 Criminal or Civil Action Against Minnesota State Academies; MSA Board Member, Employee, or Student 12-06-2023
- 212 Board Member Development 12-06-2023
- 213 MSA Board Committees 05-15-2024
- 214 Out of State Travel - Board Members - 10-25-2023
- 302 Role of the Academies Administrator (Superintendent) 12-06-2023
- 303 Academies Administrator (Superintendent) Selection 04-26-2022
- 304 Academies Administrator (Superintendent) Contract, Duties, and Evaluation 02-23-2022
- 401 Equal Employment Opportunity - 10-25-2023
- 402 MSA Disability Non-Discrimination 09-20-2024
- 404 - Employment Background Check 05-15-2024
- 404 Appendix A - Employment Background Check Form 05-15-2024
- 406 Data Protection for HR Systems 09-20-2024
- 406A MMB Data Protection Policy for HR Systems 01-24-2019
- 409 Employee Publications, Instructional Materials, etc 09-20-2024
- 410 Family and Medical Leave - 06-17-2024
- 412 - Employee Reimbursement - 05-15-2024
- 413 Harassment and Violence - 06-17-2024
- 413A Harassment and Violence Report Form - 06-17-2024
- 413.1 Sexual Harassment Prohibition 08-18-2021
- 413.1A MMB Sexual Harassment Policy 08-18-2021
- 414 Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse - 06-17-2024
- 415 Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults - 06-17-2024
- 417 Chemical Use and Abuse Policy 02-23-2022
- 418 - Drug Free Workplace and Drug Free School - 08-18-2021
- 418.1 Alcohol and Other Drug Use by State Employees 09-29-2021
- 418.1A MMB Policy - Alcohol and Drug Use 08-1-2023
- 419 Tobacco Free Environment - 02-24-2021
- 423 - Employee-Student Relationships - 10-18-2017
- 423A MSA Plan to Address Familial Relationships 10-18-2017
- 423B General Standards and Boundaries 10-18-2017
- 425 Staff Development 10-27-2021
- 426 - Nepotism in Employment 09-20-2024
- 426A Plan to Address Supervisory Responsibility 09-20-2024
- 426B Family Relationship Disclosure Form 09-20-2024
- 427 Workload Limits for SpEd Teachers 09-29-2021
- 440 Reasonable Accommodations - 06-17-2024
- 441 On Call Coverage 04-26-2022
- 441A On Call Criteria 04-26-2022
- 442 Braille and Blind Awareness 01-24-2019
- 442A Braille and Blind Awareness requirements 01-24-2019
- 443 Staff ASL Proficiency - 06-12-2018
- 443A SLPI Description - 06-12-2018
- 443B Staff SLPI Information and Tips - 06-12-2018
- 443C SLPI Rating Scale - 06-12-2018
- 443D Staff Rating by Position - 06-12-2018
- 444 Driver's License & Records Checks -02-07-2024
- 444A Drivers License Review Authorization - 02-07-2024
- 445 - Respectful Workplace - 08-18-2021
- 446 Payroll and Leave & Overtime Requests 10-27-2021
- 450 School Volunteers - 02-24-2021
- 450A Volunteer Application Form 02-24-2021
- 450B Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement 02-24-2021
- 450C Volunteer Background Check Form 02-24-2021
- 451 Appropriate Use of Social Media Policy 06-02-2021
- 455 Employee Code of Conduct - 06-02-2021
- 455A COC certification for agency heads, managers - 06-02-2021
- 455B COC certification for managers, supervisors, employees - 06-02-2021
- 456 Teleworking 111-30-2022
- 456A Teleworking Agreement Form 08-08-2024
- 501 - School Weapons Prohibition 02-07-2024
- 502 Search of Student Lockers, etc. - 04-21-2024
- 505 Distribution of Non School-Sponsored Materials 12-06-2023
- 506 Student Discipline 06-17-2024
- 512 School-Sponsored Student Publications and Activities 09-29-2021
- 514 Bullying Prohibition - 06-15-2022
- 515 Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records 04-21-2021
- 516 Student Medication 04-26-2022
- 516.5 Overdose Medication 09-27-2023
- 518 - DNR-DNI Orders 04-21-2021
- 520 Research and Student Surveys - 04-21-2021
- 521 Student Disability NonDiscrimination - 02-07-2024
- 521A Student Disability Discrimination Form -02-07-2024
- 522 Student Sex NonDiscrimination - 06-15-2022
- 522A Student Sex Discrimination Reporting Form - 06-15-2022
- 524 Appropriate Use of Electronic Communication and Technology - 06-27-2019
- 524A Use of Personal Devices (Form) - 06-27-2019
- 524B Category Objects for Web Filtering - 06-27-2019
- 524C Equipment Sign Out Form - 06-27-2019
- 524D Student Communication & Technology Agreement Form - 06-27-2019
- 524E Employee Communication & Technology Agreement Form - 06-27-2019
- 526 Hazing Prohibition - 06-02-2021
- 528 Student Parental, Family, & Marital Status Non Discrimination 02-24-2021
- 531 Pledge of Allegiance 09-27-2023
- 532 Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams - 06-02-2021
- 533 - Wellness -Nutrition and Physical Activity - 12-08-2021
- 534 Unpaid Meal Charges (Mandated Policy Not Applicable) 10-18-2017
- 543 Crisis Prevention Intervention - 05-15-2024
- 543A Use of Restrictive Procedure - Physical Holding Report
- 543B Staff Debriefing Meeting Template
- 601 School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals 09-29-2021
- 603 Curriculum Development 02-23-2022
- 606 Textbooks and Instructional Materials 02-23-2022
- 607 Organization of Grade Levels 09-20-2024
- 608 Instructional Services - Special Education 09-29-2021
- 614 State Mandated Tests 05-17-2023
- 616 School District System Accountability - 06-15-2022
- 625 Inclement Weather 01-23-2020
- 646 Initial Admission, Placement, Enrollment, and Exit 05-15-2024
- 709 Transportation 06-15-2022
- 712 Video Surveillance 09-20-2024
- 740 Special Expense Outstate Travel 02-23-2022
- 740A Special Expense Form 02-23-2022
- 740B International Travel Request Form 02-23-2022
- 741 Reimbursement of Activity Expenses 02-23-2022
- 742 - Imprest Fund - 02-23-2022
- 743 - Petty Cash - 04-26-2022
- 744 Fundraising 02-24-2021
- 745 - MSA Purchasing Card Policy -06-29-2017
- 750 MNRL Acquisition and Collection 09-29-2021
- 751 MSA Library Collections Management 05-15-2024
- 752 MSA Museums Collections Management 05-15-2024
- 806 Crisis Management - 05-17-23
- 807 - Health and Safety - 08-23-2018
- 827 Naming of Buildings, etc - 12-08-2021
- 828 Key and Key Card 08-15-2019